The Progressive Caucus

Morris County Progressives

The Morris County Progressive Caucus works to advance progressive policies and support progressive candidates in Morris County.

The Morris County Progressive Caucus works to support progressive policies within the Democratic Party. We do this by running educational events with activists and policy experts who can explain their work to MCDC members. From national policies like Medicare for All, to local policies like Sustainable Jersey certifications, we hope to provide MCDC members with information on a wide range of progressive policies.


Chair — Henry Mielarczyk

Vice Chair — Charlie Baranski

To join our mailing list or for general inquiries, email

Caucuses of the Morris County Democratic Committee

There are great Democratic caucuses in Morris County. For more information about a specific caucus, visit their site via our links, or contact us.

Areas of Interest

— Analytics & Data — Elected Officials — Hispanics — Labor Relations — LGBTQA+ — Progressives — Women — Young Democrats