Morris County Republican Local Elected Officials Refuse Opportunity to Debate in League of Women Voters Hosted Forums
MORRISTOWN – Answering questions from constituents is a basic responsibility of elected officials. It’s especially true of local elected officials whose decisions most closely impact the quality of life in their communities. Yet, across Morris County, local Republican mayors, council and committee members declined or ignored an invitation to debate offered by the nonpartisan League…
Strickland, Sackett, and Ravitz For Morris County Commissioners Launch Listening Tour
The Morris County Democratic Committee is excited to announce that three local elected officials have filed to seek the office of Morris County Commissioner.
Morris County Democratic Committee Honors Three Revolutionary Elected Women Leaders
The Morris County Democratic Committee is excited to announce that three local elected officials have filed to seek the office of Morris County Commissioner.
Three Local Democratic Elected Officials File to Run for Morris County Commissioner Seats!
The Morris County Democratic Committee is excited to announce that three local elected officials have filed to seek the office of Morris County Commissioner.